Egyptian American Help Group .. join now!

New Private group created to be a helpful place for those Egyptians and Americans married or those who are planning to marry. Members will be updated about new issues that maybe reduce the pain and the headaches suffering from being lost in the circle of papers and applications. Share experiences from real life.

Note that this group is private, join to the group is only by invitation from the Administrator of MY Life Thinking community, feel safe to share your story with out putting any private information about you.

Well.. I was about to say that I am no longer will reply on any emails because I have tons of them, so it will be more easy if you join the group and ask for help there, I will reply to you or maybe some other members of the group who can do it.

Participate now and lets start sharing useful information.

Good luck everybody

Egyptian American Marriage Helpful Information

I wrote some articles before to help Egyptians and Americans who are married or welling to marry in Egypt, I have described the challenges and legal process on marriage through the Egyptian Family Court when the American Embassy was not giving the approval of marriage to Americans that required by the Foreigners Marriage Office in Egypt.